
Vape Packaging Boxes: 5 Secret tips about to take you above of your Competitors


The use of vape items has been increased a lot by style and health-conscious people as it has become a great replacement for traditional tobacco smoking. This aspect has increased their demand in the market. Many new companies are also seeking a better position in this sector. Vape packaging has become a great source to maintain a distinctive position and going above the competitors in this situation. You have to incorporate this packaging with some unique features to win the heart of consumers. Below are some clever and secret tips that can take you above your competitors.

Protection with luxury

These items are quite sensitive, and usually, their central part is made of glass to keep a look at e-juice. Therefore, these vaping items require extreme safety to reach in the hands of consumers. Traditionally some durable materials are used in vape packaging to protect these items from external harm. However, this is not enough to impress the consumers. You need to give more than just protection. The use of custom inserts is quite handy in this regard. These inserts keep them in fixed positions and provide a safe environment from every type of harm. The body of these items is quite sensitive and could damage by a fall or pressure applied. Foam inserts are suitable in this regard as they also preserve these items from scratches and other harm. It also makes them dust and leak proof for a better customer experience.

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Smart product unboxing 

Delivering these items to market without any glamour and excitement does not leave a positive impression on buyers. Among the various aspects that inspire consumers, unboxing is an element in which brands have a chance to show their creativity. A smart unboxing solution influences the mood of buyers. These items are mostly used by people trying to quit traditional smoking, so providing these items in very similar packaging can help to attract them. A flip-top opening is utilized in all the cigarette boxes, and a habit is developed in the consumers to take cigarettes out in style. Introducing the same unboxing style is a clever move to attract them. Moreover, a child-resistant sleeve packaging for vapes with a safety button is also an innovative solution that can create a distinction. This clever move will take you above the competitors.

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Esthetically inspiring design

Design plays a vital role in memorizing a brand for future purchases. An engaging design also influences the consumers in the retail stores. Companies delivering these items can also increase the standing of these items by design in retail stores, as vapes are delivered by various other companies too. An aesthetically inspiring design increases the standing in the bunch of products having the same genre. Utilizing artistic design increases the visual appeal of packaging. Hot foil embossing is quite useful to set a beautiful design layout. Using gold foiling creatively creates a mesmerizing effect. Colors and attractive typography also creates a striking visual look. Colors have the ability to arouse the feelings of buyers in the retail stores. So, it is essential to choose a better color combination. Also, use attractive fonts to display the company name and the rest of the product information.

Utilize window panes

A top hack to get a competitive edge is increasing the product presentation. Buyers are usually curious about the looks of items that are sheathed inside the boxes. Displaying infographics is not enough to satisfy their curiosity. Therefore, customized window panes are such a trait that can influence the buyers. This process is commonly known as die-cutting. A transparent sheet is incorporated at the front wall of these boxes so that consumers can have a look at the products. This sheet is connected to the inside walls through some adhesives so that it could save the vapes from scratches, dust, and other factors. They can judge the quality and beauty of these items through this custom window cut-out. After getting such assurance, people seem willing to pay even more than usual. They will attract to such nicely presented items rather than opting for products with simple packaging.

Use of sustainable materials

Going with those trends is extremely important that is widely appreciated by the people. Sustainability is also such a trend that is a result of the increased land pollution caused by the packaging waste that has the involvement of plastic elements. Such materials are quite hard to get decomposed and hence impact the environment. Green packaging is becoming popular rapidly as it is manufactured with such materials that have no involvement of any toxic materials. These materials get decomposed easily if thrown after serving their basic purpose. Mostly wood pulp is used to reduce this environmental impact. Organic substances like corn starch, seaweed, bamboo pulp, and mushrooms are a better alternative to wood pulp as they did not cause deforestation. Buyers prefer to buy those products that are packaged in such solutions. Brands following these practices can promote this positive trait and can earn popularity through this positive aspect.

These were some clever tips to make the vape packaging more innovative so that consumers of these smoking items could get impressed. These traits will provide a competitive edge over rivals, and buyers will prefer your items to fulfill these needs. This phenomenon will effectively increase the sales volumes and customer base. Ensuring the presence of these elements will lead your brand to wear the crown of the industry leader.


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