
6 Ways of Improving Immunity Against Cancer

Improve Immunity Against Cancer

The concept of immunotherapy is a powerful way to fight cancer by boosting the body's natural defenses. Many immunotherapies exist, from checkpoint inhibitors that destroy a tumor's ability to hide from the immune system to antibodies that will stick to the tumor and attack it to genetically modified cells that turn into natural killer cells. 

Once a patient is diagnosed with cancer, a prognosis is carried out based on which their treatment options are considered. Mesothelioma is a cancer that is quite common within the US population. Mesothelioma is diagnosed in the United States every year in approximately 3,000 cases, or approximately 0.3% of all cancer diagnoses. Although mesothelioma incidence peaked in the United States in the late 1980s and early 90s, asbestos exposure decades ago still poses a threat to those who were exposed.

Mesothelioma patients naturally ask about their prognoses after being diagnosed. It is often determined by how early and aggressively this disease is diagnosed and treated that influences the prognosis for this disease. In most cases, oncologists cannot provide definitive answers regarding the course of the disease. The prognosis for mesothelioma is indeed poor in general, but some long-term survivors have survived this deadly disease.

In the event of a mesothelioma diagnosis, it is generally advised by the medical experts to file compensation for their treatment. You can easily find a legal expert within your state; if you live in Pennsylvania, you can hire an expert mesothelioma lawyer Pennsylvania has to fight for your compensation. 

Filing for compensation will make it easier for you to get treated, as you'll no longer have to bear your treatment expenses. With this being said, today, we're going to talk about some tips that can help you in boosting your immunity, whether you're undergoing immunotherapy or not.

So, let's take a look at them!

Get Proper Sleep

You can improve your immune system by sleeping at least seven hours each night. Research shows that sleep deprivation lowers the immune system's ability to fight infection and illness. A good night's sleep is essential before, during, and after cancer treatment.

Cancer can disrupt sleep itself, making it difficult to fall asleep. Some cancer treatments can also cause sleep-interfering side effects. Occasionally having sleeping problems is fine, but you need to act if you have trouble night after night.

Increase Your Consumption of Plant-Based Foods

Phytonutrients and antioxidants found in fruits, seeds, vegetables, nuts, and beans protect from disease-causing pathogens.

Antioxidants are present in these foods, which help reduce inflammation by combating oxidants, which are responsible for inflammation when present in excessive amounts. Many health conditions, such as Alzheimer's, heart disease, and some cancers, are associated with chronic inflammation.

As a bonus, plant foods have fiber, which helps feed the microbiome in your gut and the bacteria that live there.  It is important to have a healthy gut microbiome to avoid harmful pathogens, which improves your immunity. 

Increase Your Intake of Healthy Fats

Anti-inflammatory fats, such as those found in salmon and olive oil, help your body fight disease by boosting the immune system. The immune system is suppressed by chronic inflammation, even though minor inflammation is a natural response to injury or stress.

The anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory properties of this substance might help your body fight off bacteria and viruses that cause disease. Omega-3 fatty acids also combat inflammation in chia seeds and salmon.


It has long been known that moderate physical activity can benefit the immune system. It reduces inflammation and encourages the immune system to maintain a healthy balance. Biking, jogging, swimming, walking, and hiking are excellent options. In people with compromised immune systems, completing moderate exercise may enhance the effectiveness of vaccinations. Additionally, exercising regularly can increase immunity and reduce inflammation.

Drink Plenty of Water

While hydration doesn't necessarily keep you healthy from viruses and germs, staying hydrated will help you stay healthy. As a result of dehydration, you may experience headaches impairing your cognitive and mental performance, digestion, mood, and kidney and heart function. Therefore, you are more likely to become ill. Avoid dehydration by drinking enough fluid so that your urine is pale yellow. You should drink water because it contains no calories, sugar, or additives.

Fruit juices and sweetened tea can also hydrate you, but since they are high in sugar, you should limit your intake of them.

A good rule of thumb is to consume liquids as soon as you become thirsty and stop when your thirst has subsided. You might need more fluids when you work outside, exercise intensely, or live in a warm environment.

As people get older, they tend to lose the desire to drink since their bodies cannot properly signal thirst. Regardless of whether they are not thirsty, older adults should drink regularly. But this isn't all; drinking enough water will also flush out any trace of medications that you might be taking.

Stress Reduction

Stress hormones (like cortisol and adrenaline) suppress the immune system and decrease the body's ability to defend or repair itself when high-stress hormones are present. 

For this reason, many cancer hospitals and centers have begun offering stress reduction therapies in conjunction with standard cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. Meditating, practicing yoga, getting massages, joining support groups, and other techniques can help reduce stress, thereby improving your immune system. If you're interested in finding out what's available and what may work best for you, speak with your doctor or nurse.

Final Words

It is possible to strengthen your immune system today by making several dietary and lifestyle changes. Some of the most common ones are mentioned above, but these aren't the only ones that can help in boosting your immunity. Remember that by maintaining a healthy body and a strong immune system, you can significantly reduce your chances of developing cancer and other terminal diseases. Make the change today for a bright and healthy future. 


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